Nail Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments for Healthy Nails

  • Nail Laser — Sydney, NSW — Sydney City Podiatry

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How it works

The nail laser works by heating the nail bed enough to kill the nail fungus. The skin below the nail is able to conduct the heat away as it is delivered, so while the treatment may feel hot, it will not burn the skin below or around the nail.

Research shows that the nail laser is 70-83% effective, making it the most successful treatment of fungal nails. Best results are achieved by sticking to post procedure guidelines (disinfect socks, sterilise shoes, avoid old nail polish, clean orthotics, avoid pedicures, disinfect clippers).Our treatment protocol recommends three to four treatments to ensure clear nail growth.

What to expect during treatment?

The laser light that produces the heat is moved evenly over the nail in a grid pattern for between 1-3 minutes (depending on the size of the nail and amount of fungal infiltration). Healthy looking nails are often treated, as microscopic colonies may be present.

Patients do report a heat or "pin-prick" sensation under the nail, directly underneath where the laser is passing. If the heat gets too uncomfortable or intense, tell your laser operator and they will adjust their treatment according to your feedback.


  • The most effective treatment of onychomycosis (nail fungus) will result in healthy nail growth. This will be a permanent cure, unless the nail is re-infected.
  • No need for creams to be applied, or tablets to be prescribed.
  • You can go back to your normal daily activities and nail care following the treatment.


There have been no incidences of burns or over-treatments in all clinic studies that have been performed. Laser safety procedures are followed to make this a very safe procedure. The laser does, however, produce a hot light that does have the potential to cause a superficial skin or nail burn.

There are no studies to prove treatment is safe during pregnancy, so this contraindicates laser treatment.

Your podiatrist will assess you individually if you have diabetes, neuropathy or decreased sensation in the toes or feet.

Prevention of reinfection advice will be provided.​

Give us a call today to book an appointment too see if you qualify for nail laser treatments.

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